Arfon Rewinds Energy Statement

Arfon Rewinds has underpinned its commitment to reducing energy by providing our customers with the availability of energy efficient products as a first choice option, focussing on the areas of drives, motors, fans and pumping equipment.

We offer a range of products that reduce carbon emissions, greenhouse gases and save you money.

Energy efficiency should play a role in all businesses in reducing carbon emissions and energy conservation, as well as reducing operating overheads.

If you do not already have an energy policy in place for drives, motors, fans and pumping equipmen,t we will be pleased to advise and support you in conjunction with a number of manufacturers who are leaders in providing 'state of the art' energy efficient products.

Should you require information and guidance on energy savings with motors, motor rewinds and associated products, please view 'energy savings' in our 'Tools & Download' section of this website.

Furthermore, there is assistance and support from the UK Government and other agencies who specialise in energy reduction programmes. These can support you with:

  • Free energy surveys
  • Financial support
  • Impartial product advice
  • Climate levy rebate
  • Energy saving advice
  • Develop an Energy policy

New AC

New DC


» Energy Statement

Reconditioned & pre-owned

Please find below links to energy saving web sites:
Official website covering the capital allowance scheme
Helps businesses in the private sector to reduce carbon emissions and overheads
DETR website covering environmental issues
Latest information on the energy best practice programmes
Online Eurodeem energy efficient motor database